ALS Biomarkers Found in Teeth
Mount Sinai scientists have identified biological markers present in childhood that relate to the degenerative and often fatal disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
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Mount Sinai scientists have identified biological markers present in childhood that relate to the degenerative and often fatal disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Airborne lead from recycled car batteries at the Exide plant in Vernon, California, was found in the baby teeth of children living nearby,.
American children and adolescents who don’t drink tap water, which is typically fluoridated, are much more likely to have tooth decay according to.
American children and adolescents who don’t drink tap water, which is typically fluoridated, are much more likely to have tooth decay according to.
Differences in the uptake of multiple toxic and essential elements during the second and third trimesters and early postnatal periods are associated with.
Differences in the uptake of multiple toxic and essential elements during the second and third trimesters and early postnatal periods are associated with.
Due to the ongoing lead crisis, many children in the Flint area of Michigan now drink bottled water, which typically doesn’t include fluoride..
No one who has watched events unfold in Flint, Mich, can feel anything but deep frustration that a city’s water supply became tainted.