92.6% of Implants Survive Over 10+ Years
Implants in edentulous and partially edentulous mandibles demand long-term reliability. One recent study of 470 patients who underwent mandibular implant placement at a.
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Implants in edentulous and partially edentulous mandibles demand long-term reliability. One recent study of 470 patients who underwent mandibular implant placement at a.
The role of 3-D printing is growing in dentistry as it creates custom tools, implants, and even teeth. Some manufacturers now produce 3-D.
Keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KOTs) are benign. But these locally aggressive cyst-like tumors that usually occur in the mandible tend to invade adjacent tissues.
Freshwater crayfish have an enamel-like layer on their mandibles, according to new research. A team of Israeli and German researchers from Ben-Gurion University.
The soft modern diet may be the culprit regarding orthodontic problems. The jaws of many people grow too short in proportion to the.