
70% of Americans Support Adding Dental Care to Medicare

A new poll has found broad national support for adding dental coverage to Medicare...

Older Adults Visit the Dentist Much Less Often

Visits to the dentist drop significantly after the age of 80, according to researchers...

A Third of Medicare Beneficiaries Don’t Get Regular Dental Care

One out of three adults covered by Medicare aren’t getting regular dental care, according...

Only A Third of Older Adults Have Dental Insurance

In 2017, only 34.3% of adults between the ages of 65 and 74 had...

Australian Think Tank Proposes Dental Insurance Coverage for All

The Grattan Institute is proposing a Medicare-style universal insurance scheme for primary dental care...

65% of Medicare Beneficiaries Lack Dental Coverage

Almost two-thirds of Medicare beneficiaries (65%), or nearly 37 million people, lack dental coverage,...

Study Calls for More Oral Health in Geriatric Fellowship Training

Oral health is one of the greatest unmet healthcare needs for the elderly, according...

Walgreens Settles Fraud Cases for $269.2 Million

On January 22, 2019, the United States Department of Justice (USDOJ) announced the settlement...

Reimbursement Rates Remain a Top Concern Among Dentists

Declining reimbursement rates is the top industry concern among dentists, according to a national...

OHA to Honor Dr. Larry Coffee at 2019 Gala

Dental Lifeline Network (DLN) founder, president, and CEO Dr. Larry Coffee is the Oral...