Industry News
Patients with Dental Phobias Only Get Basic Care
Patients who suffer from dental phobias, who constitute more than 11% of the population,...
Industry News
Missing Teeth May Indicate Diabetes Risk
New research from the City of Hope National Medical Center in Duarte, Calif, adds...
Industry News
Tooth Anomalies Often Are Hereditary and Harmless
When a child has a dental anomaly such as the delayed eruption of adult...
Industry News
Smoking During Pregnancy Linked to Hypodontia in Children
Women who smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day while they’re pregnant are much...
Industry News
Reversing Genetic Mutations Can Restore Smiles
Inherited genetic mutations can rob up to 7% of the population of their smile,...
Industry News
Survey Reveals a Need for More Dental Implant Education Among the Public
Prospective dental implant patients and the general public agree that oral and maxillofacial surgeons...
Todays Dental News
People With Tooth Agenesis Needed for Study
The Center for Craniofacial Research at the University of Texas Health Science Center at...
Industry News
Homelessness Compounds Poor Oral Health
Homeless people face significant challenges when it comes to their oral health, according to...
Industry News
Mouse Incisors Offer Clues to Tooth Regeneration
Dentists typically turn to dentures and implants to replace missing teeth. Yet researchers at...