
Dentists Should Be Allowed to Administer the COVID-19 Vaccination Everywhere

As the United States and its territories continue to refine their COVID-19 vaccination plans...

Electricity Eliminates the Needle in Anesthesia Delivery

Many patients don’t like needles. So, dentists soon may be using a tiny electric...

It’s Not Just Patients Who Hate the Needle

In a 1994 Quintessence International article, the authors asked 3,000 practicing dentists about their...

Tulsa Dentist Causes Unique Outbreak

Never before had there been an outbreak of hepatitis C among dental patients. But...

Nasal Spray Could Benefit Dental Patients

Those anesthetic injections for dental procedures may become a thing of the past. A...

60 Oklahoma Dental Patients Test Positive for Disease

The worst fears have been realized for some of Dr. W. Scott Harrington’s dental...

Possible HIV Infections Linked to Colorado Dentist

Three former patients developed infections after being treated by the Colorado dentist who reused...

Colorado Dentist Reused Syringes, Put Many at Risk

A Colorado dentist put thousands of people at risk by reusing syringes. There could...