Oral health

Oral Health Matters in Happy Relationships

In a perfect world, people would take care of their teeth because it’s the...

More Pregnant Women Seeing Their Dentists

Many pregnant women skip dentist visits because they are focused on seeing other doctors...

Better Oral Care for Diabetics Could Reduce Healthcare Costs

There is a reciprocal link between oral health and diabetes, as improvements in one...

NYU Gets $1.6 Grant to Study E-Cigarettes’ Effect on Oral Health

E-cigarettes are growing in popularity, especially among teenagers. In fact, the Centers for Disease...

New Rule Gives FDA Authority to Regulate E-Cigarettes

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finalized a rule that extends its...

Organizations Call for Federal Chief Dental Officer Appointment

Representatives from a quartet of dental organizations convened on Capitol Hill last week to...

How to Spot Child Abuse Among Your Patients

About 702,000 children were substantiated victims of child abuse or neglect in 2014, according...

Columbia University Finds Partners to Improve Oral Health in Africa

There is only one dentist for every 42,000 people in Kenya, which is far...

Advertising Influences E-cigarette Use Among Youth

Joe Camel and the Marlboro Man are long gone, but tobacco advertising still has...

Older Americans Still Face Barriers in Oral Healthcare

As baby boomers get older, the percentage of Americans older than age 65 is...