Every Practice Needs an Infection Control Coordinator
Effective infection control is an essential responsibility of every healthcare provider. Yet as dental practices juggle an ever-expanding list of demands involving clinical.
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Effective infection control is an essential responsibility of every healthcare provider. Yet as dental practices juggle an ever-expanding list of demands involving clinical.
The Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) now reports 48 cases of mycobacterial infection—15 confirmed, 33 probable, with all 48 hospitalized at some point—involving.
The Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) now reports 48 cases of mycobacterial infection—15 confirmed, 33 probable, with all 48 hospitalized at some point—involving.
Dental assistants can play a greater role in ensuring the safety of the clinical environment, prompting the Dental Assistants’ Foundation (DAF) to award.
Dental assistants can play a greater role in ensuring the safety of the clinical environment, prompting the Dental Assistants’ Foundation (DAF) to award.
Antimicrobial agents have spared millions of patients from illness and death caused by infection. But due to the wide use of these medications,.
The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) will present its 2016 Annual Conference in San Diego, Calif, June 2 to June 5..
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released its Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings: Basic Expectations for Safe.
The Dental Infection Control Boot Camp, held in Atlanta from January 11 through January 13, set records for attendance, speakers, and content, according.