
Navigating the Ever-Changing Insurance Landscape

The concept of dental insurance sounds good in principle. Patients have the benefit of...

The New Gingivitis Code: What Do We Do Now?

Prior to the D4346 code for gingival inflammation, many dentists and hygienists were performing...

Patients Expect More from Their Dentists and Employers

Just as technologies evolve, so do patients. Millennials expect much more from their dentists...

Flossing Myths, Evidence, and Humor

A patient tells a dental hygienist or dentist, “I always use a really firm...

Email Marketing Isn’t Dead Yet

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to bid our farewells to email… Wait…...

The Dentist’s Role in Treating Patients with Eating Disorders

The popular media often portrays people with eating disorders as vain young women obsessed...

Dental Cases Increasing in Nebraska Emergency Departments

Access to oral healthcare remains a problem across the nation. Many patients today turn...

Today’s Dentists Must Be Able to Correct Botched Cosmetic Dentistry

First, the good news. The ranks of the cosmetic dentistry profession have swelled. The...

Oral Cancer Treatments Evolve for Better Care

Oral cancer accounts for 2% of all cancer diagnoses. It’s not common. But for...

Patients Prefer Non-Opioid Painkillers After Oral Surgery

More than 7 in 10 oral surgery patients or their parents said they would...