Industry News
Researchers Chart Gentler Strategy for Treating Early Childhood Caries
The combination of a carb-heavy diet and poor oral hygiene can leave children with...
Industry News
Survey Confirms and Debunks Common Oral Health Myths
Conventional wisdom says that diet affects oral health. But people begin to disagree on...
Industry News
Oral Microbiota Impact Athletic Performance
There’s a complicated relationship between exercise, cardiovascular health, and the oral microbiome, according to...
Industry News
Nanoparticles Stop Plaque and Tooth Decay Before They Start
A new type pf cerium nanoparticle formulation applied to teeth at the dentist’s office...
Industry News
Most Patients Would Pay More for Less Painful Anesthetic Procedures
More than seven out of 10 patients said they would pay extra if their...
Industry News
Chlorhexidine Mouthwash Could Make Saliva Significantly More Acidic
Chlorhexidine mouthwash significantly increases the abundance of lactate-producing bacteria that lower saliva pH and...
Industry News
How to Prevent Wine-Stained Teeth
As the holidays approach, many folks indulge in more wine than usual—and that could...
Industry News
High Iron Content and pH in Water Can Cause Black Stains in Plaque
The high iron content and pH of saliva and consumed water are the most...
Industry News
Nanoparticles Break Up Plaque and Prevent Tooth Decay
An interdisciplinary team of researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have used nanoparticles approved...
Todays Dental News
Petition Aims to End the Sales of Dangerously Acidic Oral Moisturizers
Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia or hyposalivation, is a growing issue plaguing people...