practice management

A Good Blog Better Engages Your Patients

Of all the content strategies in online marketing, blogging has held on as the...

Should You Sign Up for That Insurance Plan?

Dentists are always looking for opportunities to increase production and revenue. Signing up for...

Beware the Charlatans Posing as Dental Consultants

Small-business dentistry is no longer the same industry it was even a decade ago....

Five Habits for Successfully Handling the Stress of a Dental Career

When was the last time you felt stressed because things didn’t go according to...

Can You Really Have Time Away From Your Dental Practice?

Many dentists are living a “be careful what you wish for” scenario. The Great...

Taking the Pain Out of Online Reviews

Have you Googled your practice recently? You probably haven’t. You’re focused on delivering the...

Making the Case for the Independent Dental Practitioner

“Be kind to your dentist. Even dentists have fillings.” ~ Unknown  Filling a cavity...

Jazz Up Your Marketing With Contests

If you’re on the lookout for new ways to market your practice without having...

What Happens When a Patient Dies in Your Office

When an emergency occurs in your office—and it will—you will sink to the level...

Current Electronic Health Records Don’t Improve Efficiency

Electronic health record (EHR) systems have increased rather than decreased workloads, contributed to physician...