
Protein Plays Key Role in Regulating Oral Inflammation

The absence of a protein critical to the control of inflammation may lead to...

Immune Deficiencies Explain Rampant Caries in Some Children

As tooth decay continues to affect more children than any other disease, researchers at...

Osteocytes Play Key Role in Orthodontic Tooth Movement

During orthodontic tooth movement, osteoclastic bone resorption is essential for alveolar bone remodeling. The...

Virulent Bacterium Variant Increases Caries Risk in Children

Children who are at higher risk of caries may have a more virulent variant...

Mother of Pearl Mechanics May Lead to New Dental Materials

Mother of pearl is more than an attractive decorative material. More scientifically known as...

Periodontitis Risk Varies with Chédiak-Higashi Syndrome

Chédiak-Higashi syndrome (CHS) has been associated with aggressive periodontitis. However, an international research team...

Protein That Halts Gum Inflammation Also May Improve Stem Cell Transplants

A protein called Del-1 prevents inflammatory cells from moving into the gums, making it...

Chewing Gum Detects Inflammatory Bacteria

While most dental implants go well, 6% to 15% of patients develop an inflammatory...

Reversing Genetic Mutations Can Restore Smiles

Inherited genetic mutations can rob up to 7% of the population of their smile,...

Collagen Improved for Use in Dental Implants

Biomaterials optimally suited as scaffolds for tissue regeneration and reconstructive surgery have remained an...