Ultra-Processed Food Reduces Bone Quality
Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have proven that there are links between ultra-processed food and reduced bone quality, unveiling the damage.
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Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have proven that there are links between ultra-processed food and reduced bone quality, unveiling the damage.
Pediatric endocrinologist Alison Boyce, MD, is leading efforts at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center and the National Institute of Dental.
A proposed protocol emphasizes collaboration between healthcare disciplines to treat patients with jaw deformities caused by juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), a serious form.
Evolutionary copycats eventually developed tooth-like structures independent from other vertebrates. The new revelation appears in Nature and was discovered by the University of.
Anthropologists may soon learn more about the diets of people from ancient civilizations. And they have dental plaque to thank. The plaque taken.