
FDA Launches New Strategy for Fighting Nicotine Addiction

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced a comprehensive, multi-year plan for tobacco...

E-Cigarettes May Be More Harmful to the Microbiota Than Traditional Tobacco

While marketers promote e-cigarettes as a safer alternative to tobacco products, research from Ohio...

Antibiotics Deemed Unnecessary for Healthy Dental Implant Patients

Dental implants are becoming more commonplace in prosthodontic treatment. In fact, the American Academy...

Study Ranks the States With the Best and Worst Oral Health

As the healthcare debate continues across the country, access to oral care varies greatly—and...

Life Expectancy Linked to Number of Teeth

The number of teeth you keep as you get older could indicate just how...

California Tobacco Tax on the Ballot on Tuesday

In addition to the Presidential election and down-ballot races that will be decided on...

Smoking Increases the Risk of Marginal Bone Loss

Smoking doesn’t just damage respiratory and cardiovascular health. It also impacts the oral cavity,...

E-Cigarette Vapors Kill Oral Skin Cells

Despite claims to the contrary, e-cigarettes might not be significantly safer than tobacco cigarettes....

Tobacco Smoke Makes Oral Bacteria More Resilient

The mouth is home to more than 700 different bacteria species. Tobacco smoke, though,...

Pancreatic Cancer Risk Linked to Specific Oral Bacteria

Pancreatic cancer will kill more than 41,000 Americans this year, reports the Lustgarten Foundation,...