social media

Social Media Platform Targets Dental Students

A pair of graduate students at the Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine...

Is Your Practice Communicating That It’s Safe to Make Dental Appointments?

It has been about seven months since the implementation of widespread restrictions aimed at...

Warn Your Patients About the Risks of DIY Dentistry

When the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended that patients delay routine dental visits until the pandemic...

World Oral Health Day to Encourage People to Be Proud of Their Mouths

World Oral Health Day (WOHD) is celebrated globally each year on March 20 to...

About Half of All Dentists Have Experienced Patient Aggression

Approximately half of dentists in the United States have experienced verbal or reputational aggression...

Maximize Remote Working Productivity in Your Dental Practice

Remote working has proven to be an effective way to tackle many everyday and...

California Campaign Aims to Recruit Dental Assistants

The California Dental Association (CDA) has launched a recruitment campaign, Smile Crew of California,...

Start Planning Your Dental Practice’s Year-End Marketing Now

It’s September. The back-to-school rush is over, and most people are trying to get...

The Top 10 Marketing Tools for Dentists

It is essential for dentistry offices to keep their marketing tools up to date...

Celebrate Dental Infection Control Awareness Month

The Organization for Safety, Aspesis and Prevention (OSAP) is ramping up its efforts to...