
Grant to Fund Second Mobile Dental Clinic at University at Buffalo

The University at Buffalo (UB) School of Dental Medicine has received a $780,000 grant...

WHO Videos Provide Infection Control Training for Oral Healthcare Personnel

The World Health Organization (WHO) has released three short animated videos designed for infection...

England’s Chief Dentist Releases Guidance for Fallow Time Following AGPs

England’s Chief Dental Officer Sara Hurley has released guidelines for how much fallow time...

N95s Can Be Decontaminated and Reused Up to Three Times

N95 respirators can be decontaminated effectively and used up to three times, according to...

Rutgers Finds Faster Way to Decontaminate N95 Masks

Researchers at the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School have identified a more rapid method...

Portable Disinfection Chamber Uses UV Light to Sterilize PPE

Portable disinfection chambers that use ultraviolet (UV) light to inactivate virus particles could allow...

Ozone May Effectively Disinfect PPE for Reuse

Ozone gas, a highly reactive chemical comprising three oxygen atoms, could provide a safe...

Most Americans Comfortable Visiting the Dentist Despite the Pandemic

Most Americans say they are comfortable visiting a dentist and plan on scheduling a...

Autoclaving and Alcohol May Damage N95s and Face Masks

A University of Cincinnati researcher is advising against using two widely available sterilization methods...

Program Reprocesses N95 Respirators for Future Use

To ensure it has enough personal protective equipment (PPE) to treat a second wave...