Six-Step Hand-Washing Process Proves Superior in Beating Bacteria
Hand hygiene is essential to any dental procedure. While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest a 3-step hand-washing process, Glasgow Caledonian.
Dentistry Today is The Nation’s Leading Clinical News Magazine for Dentists. Here you can get the latest dental news from the whole world quickly.
Hand hygiene is essential to any dental procedure. While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest a 3-step hand-washing process, Glasgow Caledonian.
Clean instruments are essential to patient safety, so dentists rely on their washer-disinfectors and ultrasonic cleaners to perform effectively. Two cleaning monitors from.
Irrigation is essential to every root canal. Two tools from Vista Dental Products aim to improve its effectiveness while taking less of a.
More than 1.2 million people in the United States are living with an HIV infection, with about 50,000 new infections each year, according.
Sterilization is key to patient safety. Clinicians need to ensure their instruments are completely clean before using them again. Researchers at the University.
DentalEZ®, a supplier of integrated products and services for dental health professionals worldwide, is pleased to announce two recent additions to its DentalEZ®.
Never before had there been an outbreak of hepatitis C among dental patients. But that was prior to a Tulsa, Okla. dentist using.
The worst fears have been realized for some of Dr. W. Scott Harrington’s dental patients. At least 60 people have tested positive for.
ANNAPOLIS, MD—March 29, 2013— The news that broke on March 28 of an Oklahoma oral surgeon that treated patients under unsanitary and unsafe.