sugar-sweetened beverages

Wisconsin Tops 2020 List of the States With the Best Oral Health

The quality of oral health and oral healthcare varies widely across the United States,...

SSB Consumption Significantly Declines Among Children and Adolescents

The percentage of children and adolescents consuming sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) and the calories they...

Sugary Drinks Make Up Most Children’s Beverage Sales

Fruit drinks and flavored waters that include added sugars or low-calorie sweeteners dominated sales...

Poor Water Quality Linked to Sugary Drink Consumption

The consumption of sugary drinks is common among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander infants...

Taxing Sugary Beverages by Sugar Content Would Boost Health and Economic Gains

Taxing sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) by the amount of sugar they contain, rather than by...

England’s Sugar Tax Finds Support as Johnson Opposes It

Member of Parliament Boris Johnson has announced that he plans on halting England’s recently...

Taxes on Sugary Beverages Prove Effective in Reducing Consumption

A 10% tax on sugary drinks has cut their purchase and consumption by an...

Philly’s Sugary Beverage Sales Drop 38% After Tax

One year after Philadelphia passed its beverage tax, sales of sugary and artificially sweetened...

Berkeley Tax Leads to Less Soda Consumption

The consumption of sugary drinks in the diverse and low-income neighborhoods of Berkeley, California,...

CDA and CMA Team Up to Take On Big Soda

Dentists, physicians, and public health advocates have announced their support for a package of...