
Tax Repeal Drives Sweetened Beverage Sales in Cook County

Following the repeal of the short-lived Sweetened Beverage Tax in Cook County, Illinois, sales...

Oral Microbiota Impact Athletic Performance

There’s a complicated relationship between exercise, cardiovascular health, and the oral microbiome, according to...

BSPD Says Public Policy Must Address Childhood Obesity and Tooth Decay Together

Public policy must do more to confront tooth decay and childhood obesity, according to...

Researchers Uncover the Sources of Individual Proteins in Human Saliva

Researchers at the University at Buffalo (UB), the University of California San Francisco (UCSF)...

The Oral Gateway Microbiome: Implications for Systemic Diseases Including COVID-19

The oral microbiome is considered a gateway to the body that rapidly adjusts to...

BDA Criticizes Lack of Progress in “War on Sugar”

The British Dental Association (BDA) is urging ministers to turn the page on voluntary...

Increased Alcohol Use May Impact Oral Health During the Pandemic

Alcohol consumption appears to be increasing Down Under, according to the Australian Dental Association...

UK Children Face “Triple Whammy” of Dental Dangers

Thousands of children in the United Kingdom could soon require hospital operations to remove...

Australian Dental Association Initiative Teaches Kids About Oral Health and Nutrition

In 2019, Australian Dental Association (ADA) Federal teamed up with SugarByHalf, a nonprofit independent...

Oral Healthcare Needs Don’t Take a Summer Vacation

As people relax during the summer, their dietary and oral health habits change as...