Young British Smiles May Be Getting Better
Pediatric tooth decay has reached epidemic proportions in England, impacting the well being of tens of thousands of children as well as the.
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Pediatric tooth decay has reached epidemic proportions in England, impacting the well being of tens of thousands of children as well as the.
Nothing beats water when it comes to keeping teeth healthy. But while licensed restaurants in the United Kingdom are required to provide tap.
Great Britain will impose a levy on soft-drink producers and importers based on the amount of sugar they use in their products beginning.
Sweet beverages such as sodas and sports drinks account for a third of the added sugar consumption of adults in the United States,.
Soft drinks—even diet drinks, sports drinks, and fruit drinks that are low in sugar or sugar free—include acids that can damage teeth. To.
When it comes to the sugar in natural fruit juice, only 54% of adults in the United States are aware that it can.
There’s good news in caries treatment from Down Under. Researchers from the University of Sydney have developed a set of preventative protocols that.
Everyone knows that soda and other sugary drinks are bad for teeth. But sugar-free drinks also can take a toll, according to the.
According to the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health, 41% of Welsh 5-year-olds have obvious decay in their primary teeth, compared to.
The costs of sugar are about to go down in Europe—and the risks to dental health could go up, according to research from.