
Tooth Fossils Suggest a Simpler Evolutionary Path

While your dentist looks at your teeth for signs of decay, biologists are looking...

Shark Genes Offer Clues to Tooth Regeneration

Sharks are infamous for their ability to regrow teeth throughout their lifetime, while human...

Ancient Skull Reveals a Softer Prehistoric Diet

In 2008, scientists recovered the skull of an Australopithecus sediba. This diminutive pre-human species...

AAO Ranks the Acid Levels in Popular Drinks

Soft drinks—even diet drinks, sports drinks, and fruit drinks that are low in sugar...

Imaging Reveals Dental Plaque’s Bacterial Structure

Plaque results from various bacteria building up on the teeth, though how these communities...

Teeth Provide Clues to Plague Pathology

The Black Death killed between 30% and 50% of Europe’s entire population in the...

Tooth Cells Migrate Before Growing

Molars don’t start as cells in the jaw and stay there, growing until they’re...

Tooth Germs Sprout New Teeth in Mice

Researchers in Japan have found a way to multiply teeth. They extracted teeth germs...

3-D Printing Produces Accurate Teeth

The role of 3-D printing is growing in dentistry as it creates custom tools,...

Researchers Study Fish to Regenerate Teeth

When a fish loses a tooth, a new one grows in. But human beings...