third molars

Wisdom Teeth Extractions Can Improve Long-Term Taste Function

Patients who had their wisdom teeth extracted had improved tasting abilities decades after having...

Early Wisdom Tooth Extraction Improves Periodontal Conditions

Certain variables related to gum disease improve five years after the early removal of...

Patient Presents With a Dentigerous Cyst Associated with a Third Molar

The dentiger or follicular cyst is the second most common non-inflammatory odontogenic cyst.1,2,3 It...

Dental Traits Reveal Genetic Relationships Between Human Beings

The shape of human teeth can be used to reconstruct genetic relationships, according to...

Dentist Uses X-Rays to Verify Ages of Immigrants for INS

When immigrants under the age of 18 are detained, they are sent to shelters...

UNC Performs Pediatric Tooth Transplant

Researchers at the University of North Carolina (UNC) Adams School of Dentistry have successfully used “throwaway”...

How to Transition Pediatric Patients to Adult Treatment

Life is full of transitions, from birth to school to a family and a...

Dental Organizations Support New Wisdom Tooth Guidelines

With the support of 8 dental specialties and 3 international oral and maxillofacial surgical...