
Rising Claims Reflect a Need for Better Oral Cancer Detection

Oral cancer is on the rise. Claim lines with an oral cancer diagnosis increased...

Oral Cancer Diagnoses Jump 61% From 2011 to 2015

Privately billed insurance claims related to oral cancer diagnoses rose 61% from 2011 to...

Save Lives With Simple Oral Cancer Screenings

According to the World Health Organization, there are more than 529,000 new cases of...

E-Cigarette Vapors Kill Oral Skin Cells

Despite claims to the contrary, e-cigarettes might not be significantly safer than tobacco cigarettes....

Tobacco Smoke Makes Oral Bacteria More Resilient

The mouth is home to more than 700 different bacteria species. Tobacco smoke, though,...

NYU Gets $1.6 Grant to Study E-Cigarettes’ Effect on Oral Health

E-cigarettes are growing in popularity, especially among teenagers. In fact, the Centers for Disease...

New Rule Gives FDA Authority to Regulate E-Cigarettes

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finalized a rule that extends its...

Advertising Influences E-cigarette Use Among Youth

Joe Camel and the Marlboro Man are long gone, but tobacco advertising still has...

Support Oral Cancer Awareness This Month

Oral cancer awareness is promoted each April. Organizations such as the Head and Neck...

Smoking Alters the Mouth’s Microbiome

The oral microbiome comprises approximately 600 bacterial species, and smoking drastically affects it, according...