tooth decay

New Study Indicates Fluoride Lowers Tooth Decay

The debate will continue but a new study recently demonstrated the positive impact fluoride...

Overweight children aren’t at a higher risk for developing dental problems, according to a new study.

Overweight children aren’t at a higher risk for developing dental problems, according to a...

Vitamin D May Lower Rate of Tooth Decay

Vitamin D may benefit dentistry in a major way. Many recent studies have concluded...

New Book States Flossing Serves No Purpose

Utilizing dental floss may be a waste of time, according to a new book....

Mothers Can Impact Children’s Oral Health

A mother’s knowledge is essential to her children’s oral health, according to a new...

Sinclair Dental Serves As Authorized Distributor Of The Canary System

Quantum Dental Technologies (QDT) is pleased to announce that Sinclair Dental will be distributing...

Sugary McDonald’s Drink Declared Healthy in United Kingdom

A health committee in the United Kingdom may want to re-explore a recent decision....

Statement from Dr. William Calnon, President, ADA

CHICAGO, Sept. 13, 2012—The American Dental Association (ADA) applauds New York City Mayor Michael...

Some Foods May Boost Oral Health

At this point, it’s clear that acidic drinks and sugary foods have a negative...

Coconut Oil May Thwart Tooth Decay

Coconut oil may successfully fend off tooth decay. It can be considered an antibiotic...