A Simple Treatment to Stabilize Incisors After Luxation or Avulsion
INTRODUCTION After traumatic injuries to teeth, such as luxation or avulsion, stabilization is of prime importance. Conditions for splints include: Passive, not active,.
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INTRODUCTION After traumatic injuries to teeth, such as luxation or avulsion, stabilization is of prime importance. Conditions for splints include: Passive, not active,.
As summer gets underway and kids get more active, including sports, DentalPlans.com is encouraging parents to take steps to protect their children from.
The American Association of Endodontists (AAE) has released a new position statement in support of vital pulp therapy, which preserves the vitality and.
In recognition of April as Youth Sports Safety Month, Delta Dental of Tennessee has launched a statewide initiative to encourage all children to.
Timely care isn’t only a matter of convenience and profit. In working with pediatric dental patients, I see kids who are hurting, and.
Approximately one in five adults in Sweden suffers from dental anxiety or dental phobia, according to the University of Gothenburg. Though the number.
As domestic abuse incidents increase during the pandemic, dentists can take the lead in identifying possible victims and help them get the help.
The defenselessness experienced while sitting in the dentist’s chair can prompt memories of sexual abuse, according to Eva Wolf, PhD, DDS, associate professor.
Skull fractures are the most common type of head and facial fracture among skateboarding injuries in the emergency department, and increased helmet use.
Injuries involving motorized scooters result in more than triple the hospital admission rate of injuries involving nonmotorized scooters and may present a public.