
Drug Could be Utilized to Treat Periodontitis, Chronic Diseases

A drug used to treat intestinal worms may have a new purpose. Recent studies...

Oral Bacteria Leave Mark Inside Mouth

There may be a new way to distinguish a person’s identity. Bacteria in the...

Women More Disgusted by Dental Treatment than Men

Women are more easily grossed out at the dentist than men, according to a...

Medical Teams International—Mobile Care for People in Need

Many dental professionals have seen how dental treatment can help restore dignity and confidence...

Aesthetic Dentistry Does Not Increase Happiness

Aesthetic changes to a person’s smile will not simply make the person feel better...

Canadians Going Elsewhere for Dental Treatment at Rising Rate

Canadians are exploring all options for dental treatment. Increasingly, that means going to Mexico...

Periodontal Health Essential for Expectant Mothers

Pregnant women should probably pay attention to their oral health more than anyone else....

Certain Bacteria Aids in Periodontal Treatment

Researchers may have discovered a new way to effectively treat periodontitis patients. A double-blind,...

Study Pinpoints Target for TMJD

People with temporomandibular joint disorder may be in luck. Researchers located a protein that...

Dental Implants Can Save Money, Boost Quality of Life

Dental implants may provide the best way to avoid emptying one’s bank account. A...