
Lasers Use Nanobubbles to Blast Cancer Cells

Physicians often resort to surgery to remove tumors. But sometimes, cancer cells are left...

NIH Grant Will Develop Cannabinoid Cancer Treatment

Oral cancer is a painful disease, affecting 45,750 new patients each year in the...

Shrimp Used for Better Bioluminescent Cancer Imaging

Shrimp aren’t just popular on the menu. They’re also part of new technology crafted...

“Jaw in a Day” Replaces Fibula Free Flap Surgery

When tumors emerge in the jaw, surgeons typically implement a fibula free flap. They...

Researcher Pinpoints Possible Underlying Cause of Metastases in Oral Cancer

A new discovery may change the way oral cancer is treated. An abnormal immune...

Genetic Mutations Associated with Salivary Gland Tumors

A recent discovery could pave the way for better treatment of oral cancer. The...

Anti-Pain Agent Reduces Oral Cancer, Leaves Healthy Tissue Unharmed

There may be a new way to treat oral cancer. Mouse models of human...

Gum Disease May Cause Head, Neck Cancer

Severe gum disease may result in many other major health problems. Patients with Human...

No Correlation Exists Between Bone Fluoride Levels, Osteosarcoma

There is no relationship between bone fluoride levels and osteosarcoma, according to a study...

Osteoporosis Drug Reduces Bone Loss, Tumor Size in Oral Cancer

A drug currently approved for osteoporosis treatment has been shown to reduce bone loss...