Children in Foster Care Face Greater Oral Healthcare Needs
Despite mandatory state dental coverage, children in the foster care system face significant barriers to accessing oral healthcare, according to the University of.
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Despite mandatory state dental coverage, children in the foster care system face significant barriers to accessing oral healthcare, according to the University of.
Beth Groenke, DDS, MS, has received the INfORM Samuel F. Dworkin Predoctoral Award from the International Association for Dental Research for her research.
James Nickman, DDS, MS, a pediatric dentist at Metropolitan Pediatric Dental Associates and associate clinical professor at the University of Minnesota School of.
University of Minnesota School of Dentistry professor Conrado Aparicio, PhD, is leading a research team focused on reducing infection rates for patients with.
Gum disease may be associated with mild cognitive impairment and dementia 20 years later, according to researchers at the University of Minnesota School.
The University of Minnesota School of Dentistry has received a pair of grants from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research to.
The University of Minnesota School of Dentistry is leading an effort to create a universal tool that can be used internationally to measure.
After studying how oral bacteria adhere to and develop biofilms in the oral cavity, researchers at the University of Minnesota have discovered a.
The dental community has lost one of its leaders as Paul Belvedere, DDS, died on Wednesday, November 1. An internationally renowned teacher, lecturer,.
The dental community has lost one of its leaders as Paul Belvedere, DDS, died on Wednesday, November 1. An internationally renowned teacher, lecturer,.