2017 Chicago Midwinter Meeting

Tech Service Stores Practice Data in the Cloud

The TechCentral Hybrid Backup Service from Henry Schein Practice Solutions helps dentists efficiently store practice and patient data both onsite and in the cloud. The company’s remote support services team also helps dental practices manage data backup and recovery if data is ever lost. According Henry Schein, dentists and office managers can then spend less time backing up data and more time delivering oral healthcare. 

“Practitioners using manual, complex, and time-consuming processes to back up their patient data can rely on Henry Schein TechCentral to provide quality customer service so they can operate a more efficient and productive service,” said Kevin Bunker, president of North America Dental Practice Solutions at Henry Schein. “By co-managing the backup process and monitoring users’ daily backup, Henry Schein’s TechCentral team can proactively resolve issues or errors that are detected so that practitioners can continue to provide quality patient care.”

The Hybrid Backup Service uses Advanced Encryption Standard 256-bit encryption to help protect customers’ data. Also, TechCentral will help customers in confirming that backups are completed successfully by sending notifications and reports via email, keeping customers abreast of activity on their account. For more information, go to hstechcentral.com/backup or call (844) 435-1009.

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