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Teeth Aligner Improves Predictability for Tooth Movements

Invisalign G8 with SmartForce Aligner Activation is informed by the company’s database of more than 15 million Invisalign patients to optimize tooth movements and further improve predictability for crowding, crossbite, and deep-bite cases. With SmartForce Aligner Activation, select areas of the aligner surface are contoured to apply optimal forces to the tooth surfaces to control the location, direction, and intensity of the force. For more information, call (800) 577-8767 or visit

– Select areas on the aligner surfaces are specifically contoured to apply forces to the tooth surface in the proper direction to produce the desired movement and minimize unwanted movements.

– Takes advantage of full aligner coverage of teeth to create strategic contact areas for greater control​.

– Works synergistically with previously introduced SmartForce features.

– Designed to minimize unwanted molar tipping by automatically applying buccal root torque to the premolars and first molars.

teeth aligner