Quick Technique Technique of the Month

The Cementation Revolution From BISCO

BISCO’s informative video for its revolutionary TheraCem cement demonstrates the product’s unique properties using a refreshingly light-humored approach in a chart-based, easy-to-follow, 1.5-minute online message. The video shows that the dual-cured, calcium- and fluoride-releasing, self-adhesive resin cement is used for luting crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, and all types of posts. Its high degree of conversion is also clearly shown. TheraCem delivers a strong bond to zirconia and most substrates, along with easy clean up and high radiopacity. It offers clinicians reliable and durable cementation of most indirect restorations and allows them to simplify their cementation protocols and the overall restorative process—decreasing chair time and increasing peace of mind while providing patients with indirect restorations that are retentive and durable.

[iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/apG2oZBDZbg?rel=0?ecver=1″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen ]