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The Implant Dentistry Option

This issue of Dentistry Today focuses on implants. In 2015, we published our first Implants Today section, and it has been going strong ever since. Dr. Michael Tischler, our implant editor, and I make every effort to choose and place clinical articles into this section that will be of special interest to our GP readers—not only for those practitioners who already may have considerable experience in implant dentistry, but also for those who have not yet ramped up their participation in this growing arena. To lead things off this month, we have Dr. Barry McArdle presenting a case in which implant dentistry played a vital role in achieving the aesthetic and functional goals of treatment for the patient. In the not-too-distant past, treatment options that would have been able to satisfy the aesthetic expectations of the patient and clinician, at least to the level demonstrated in this particular clinical situation, were simply non-existent!

On a personal note, I have gotten to know Barry from working with him as an author, by visiting his practice, and by getting to know him personally over a few glasses of great wine and some scrumptious New England cuisine in conjunction with lecturing for the Seacoast Esthetic Dentistry Association (which he cofounded) on a couple of occasions. Besides just being a really kind and caring gentleman, I can attest to his deep commitment to quality continuing education and in delivering thoughtfully planned and high level dentistry to all of his patients. As a distinguished and successful private practitioner, he definitely can “walk the talk” and therefore sets a great example for all clinicians who are aspiring to be their best.

Also featured in this implant-focused issue under the Implants and Technology categories, Drs. Charles Schlesinger and Ed Kusek, respectively, who are both distinguished Implants Today advisory board members, have shared 2 excellent articles involving implant-related topics.

We hope that you will benefit from reading this exciting issue of Dentistry Today that showcases implant dentistry!

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