The New Norm: Universal Adhesives


Adhesive dentistry has evolved dramatically within the last few decades. Many clinicians over the past several years have changed their adhesive to one-bottle self-etch systems (eg, CLEARFIL S3 BOND PLUS [Kuraray America]), mostly due to speed, favorable pricing, and easy usage. There are numerous in vitro research studies showing better durability in multi-step adhesives (eg, sixth-generation 2-step products). New clinical studies, however, have now reported on the predictable performance of one-step adhesives.

Universal Adhesives
One-bottle adhesives are now commonly said to be “for universal use.” These adhesives are typically called universal adhesives (eg, CLEARFIL Universal Bond Quick [Kuraray America]). They can be used in self-, etch-and-rinse, or selective-etch modes and in most direct and indirect procedures (Figure 1). In addition, universal adhesives perform better when compared to one-bottle conventional adhesives. Figure 2 shows a comparison of a universal adhesive to a one-bottle self-etch adhesive.

Figure 1. CLEARFIL Universal Bond Quick (Kuraray America) can be used in indirect restorative treatments in self-cure mode with PANAVIA SA Cement Plus (Kuraray America) and CLEARFIL DC CORE PLUS (Kuraray America). Figure 2. A comparison between one-bottle self-etch adhesive and one-bottle universal adhesive.
Figure 3. Kuraray Noritake Dental’s original MDP-Amide technology.

MDP-Amide Monomer Technology
There are numerous studies showing 10-MDP as a key monomer for durable dentin adhesion. 10-MDP can form a strong, stable chemical bond with hydroxyapatite in both enamel and dentin. A critical issue with dentin bonding is the absorption of moisture and how it can lead to bond degradation and secondary caries. When amide chemistry is combined with 10-MDP, as in CLEARFIL Universal Bond Quick (Figure 3), it provides a unique rapid-bond technology. This eliminates waiting time, dramatically reduces water absorption, and subsequently reduces the risk of contamination.
Achieving a durable restoration depends on the adhesive used, the patient’s condition, and proper usage by the practitioner. The patient’s course of treatment may vary, along with the product’s predictability of use by the dentist. Adhesive factors can become predictable by using well-designed bonding agents with strong adhesive technology, such as CLEARFIL Universal Bond Quick. The results are quick without compromise!
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