The Wednesday Watch

Teeth Successfully Grown in Animal Model

New research in Japan shows that teeth could be grown in a large-scale animal model – watch now to learn the details of the study. In Europe, a plan has been put in place to phase out mercury by the year 2020. And lastly, the Wednesday Watch brings you just some of the big headlines delivered at last week’s International Dental Show in Germany and Hinman Dental Meeting in Atlanta.

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New Partnership in Dental 3-D Printing Sector

A new partnership has been announced that will streamline the 3-D printing process for dentistry. Watch now to find out the details. Also, we bring an update from the National Children’s Oral Health Foundation, or America’s Toothfairy, about their annual Smile Drive. This week marks the beginning of the Hinman Dental Meeting in Atlanta – find out what’s in store for the 105th annual gathering of dental professionals.

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