The Wednesday Watch

Virtual Reality As Actual Reality for Surgery Students

Researchers in the United Kingdom are working on virtual reality education to train surgeons in medical and dental schools. Watch now to find out how the technology works, and what the advantages are for tomorrow’s maxillofacial surgeons. April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, and Dentistry Today is offering many perspectives to get all dental professionals involved in diagnosing and treating this disease. Our last story this week focuses on a group of young girl scouts who just may be the dental professionals of the future.

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Public Dental Clinic in Russia Photographed: Click to See Images

Henry Schein Practice Solutions has partnered with Axia Technologies (AxiaMed) to streamline dental practice billing. Find out what this partnership means for Dentrix Enterprise users. The first LANAP Bootcamp has been established with the Naval Postrgraduate Dental School, courtesy of the Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry. This will allow military personnel to return to duty faster and with less pain. Also this week, see the images that have gone viral of a practicing dental clinic in Russia that shows unsanitary and unsafe conditions.

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