Today's Dental News

Dental Implants Procedures to See Significant Growth, Study Says

There will be significant growth among dental implant procedures throughout the next five years, according to Millennium Research Group.

Other growth areas include facial injectable, optical coherence tomography catheter, spinal nonfusion implant and percutaneous health valve procedures.

Dental implants procedures will grow by about 9 percent.

While there will be many areas of growth, the two largest will involve aesthetic procedures and dental procedures. The premise behind this is that the goal in both areas is to mask the effects of aging.

Millennium Research Group’s North American Surgical Procedure Volumes 2011 is made up of procedure numbers from 28 of Millennium Research Group’s publications from last year. Dental procedures are included in this report, as are cardiovascular procedures, diagnostic imaging procedures, facial injectable procedures, gastrointestinal endoscopy procedures, nonvascular interventional radiology procedures, orthopedic procedures, soft-tissue repairs, and urology and gynecology procedures.

The Millennium Research Group analyzes trends in medical technology market intelligence.