Today's Dental News

Dentist Taking Buy-Back Program Seriously

An Ohio dentist is offering serious prizes for this year’s Halloween Candy Buy-Back Program.

Craig Callen of Mansfield, Ohio is offering to give $1 for every pound of candy brought to his office for each child. There’s a limit of 5 lbs per child. He will also hold two drawings for children’s bikes. The dentist will provide as much as $1,000 through this program.

In addition to the money for the candy, Callen is providing children with free toothbrushes.

The goal of this program is to enable children to trick-or-treat without having to worry about the negative impact of eating all of the candy.

This program is necessary because the amount of sugar consumed by children goes up by roughly 2 percent each year and the total amount of candy consumed by children is about 50 million tons each year. This candy can lead to many problems, including damage to braces, weight gain and hyperactivity.

To participate in this program the candy must be unopened.