Today's Dental News

Measures to Take to Have a Healthy Halloween

Halloween is one of the worst holidays for your teeth. The amount of candy and sugar consumed is a recipe for developing some oral health problems.

Last year there were about 41 millions trick-or-treaters in the 5 to 14 age group. These children can have any number of issues that develop from loading up on Halloween candy, including lost sealants and fillings and damaged teeth.

That’s why the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry is suggesting parents take measures to prevent their children from developing oral health problems after Halloween.

It’s essential for parents to have good oral health themselves to set the kind of example their kids need to see. It’s also essential for parents and children to brush before consuming any type of sugary candy.

Parents should limit the amount of chewy or hard candy their children consume. These types of candies stay in the mouth longer, and have a worse impact on teeth as a result.

Making sure the children’s teeth receive some fluoride is also pivotal, in addition to flossing on a regular basis.

The children should eat their candy in one sitting to reduce the amount of time they are exposed to sugar. If the children brush their teeth soon after eating the candy, the sugar can only have a minimal effect.