Today's Dental News

More Dental Patients Visiting General Practitioners

People with dental problems aren’t necessarily going to the dentist as much as they did in the past.

A recent study shows that general practitioners are seeing patients with dental issues on an increasing basis in the United Kingdom. According to a recent survey, 87 percent of general practitioners feel under pressure to deal with dental health problems, such as toothaches or mouth ulcers.

With more people seeking medical care in the United Kingdom, the general practitioners are dealing with the issue of trying to fit in all of their patients. The other problem is that these physicians don’t have the training or knowledge to deal with oral problems, whereas dentists can provide the specific treatment for each condition.

Dentists are also more likely to notice oral cancer or even signs of oral cancer. It’s important for people to be aware of the possible signs of this type cancer and take advantage of the screening programs.

November is Mouth Cancer Action Month in the United Kingdom.