Today's Dental News

Periodontal Health Essential for Expectant Mothers

Pregnant women should probably pay attention to their oral health more than anyone else.

New studies from the American Academy of Periodontology and the European Federation of Periodontology are warning women that periodontal disease may cause early births or lightweight babies.

The information appears in the Journal of Periodontology and the Journal of Clinical Periodontology.

According to information from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, babies with a birth weight of less than 5.5 lbs could be at risk of long-term health problems, such as delayed motor skills, inhibited social growth or learning disabilities. Similar risks exist for babies born at least three weeks early. Other problems could include respiratory issues, vision or hearing loss or some type of feeding or digestion issue.

That’s why studies from the AAP and EFP indicate that any nonsurgical periodontal treatment for pregnant women is considered safe. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists also recently released a statement that says it’s vital for pregnant women to maintain good oral health and continue with their normal dental treatment.