Today's Dental News

Study States Fluoride Exposure Lowers IQ

A Harvard University study shows that fluoride may not be all that great.

According to the study, the results indicated that the possibility of adverse effects of fluoride exposure to children’s neurodevelopment exists. The information appeared online in the July 20 issue of Environmental Health Perspectives, which is a US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences publication.

There were cases of children in high-fluoride areas that had much lowers IQs than children who lived in low-fluoride areas.

The information was generated after fluoride from water was analyzed. Fluoride found in water, however, was the only instance of fluoride studied.

Still, the research made it clear that there’s much to be learned about the impact of fluoride on the children’s neurodevelopment.

When fluoride is exposed to the developing brain, it’s extremely vulnerable to injury caused by toxicants, according to the study. The mature brain is not nearly as vulnerable to problems associated with fluoride exposure.

Low doses of fluoride can be harmful to babies in many ways, according to the study. Some communities have stopped fluoridating water, while others are in the process of doing so.

Still, the negative or positive impact of fluoride is open for debate. There’s much more research necessary to determine the true ramifications of fluoride exposure.