Today's Dental News

Women Tend to Have Better Oral Health than Men

Women maintain better oral health than men, based on a recent study of 800 men and women.

The information was generated after the study participants answered a questionnaire about oral health and underwent an oral exam. Women around 18 or 19 years old were at a much lower risk for any possible oral health issue.

Women are twice as likely to schedule two dental appointments each year and keep them as scheduled, compared to men. Women also were more likely to change the way they maintain their oral health based on what happened during the dental visit. The overall oral health of men also paled in comparison to the oral health of women.

This information appeared in the April issue of Periodontology. The research was focused on the maintenance of the gums and periodontal diseases.

Periodontal diseases are nearly impossible to notice without regular visits to a dentist or a periodontist. That’s why many of the men in the study had worse oral health than the women, because for a large portion of the men there weren’t any discernable problems. With two checkups each year, any possible problem can be eradicated.

This study was conducted by the American Dental Association but its findings go beyond US borders. It may apply to men in all countries and sheds light on the fact more needs to be done—for men and women—to avoid oral health problems.