Industry News

Touro College of Dental Medicine Dean Appointed to ADEAGies Foundation Board

Dr. Ronnie Myers, dean of Touro College of Dental Medicine, has been named to the board of trustees of the ADEAGies Foundation. The foundation, the philanthropic arm of the American Dental Education Association (ADEA), defines its mission as an incubator of innovation, and a source of leadership training for active and emergent academic leaders. The ADEAGies Foundation is comprised of dental school deans and program directors, faculty, students, residents and fellows, and corporate and philanthropic partners, and supports grants, programs, scholarships, and special initiatives that support leaders in dental academia.

Touro College of Dental Medicine
Touro College of Dental Medicine Dean Appointed to ADEAGies Foundation Board

The ADEAGies Foundation is governed by a distinguished and diverse 11-member board of trustees, including their president.

Examples of recent awards and fellowships funded by ADEAGies include:

  1. The Leader’s Roundtable of the Bell Institute and the annual Achievers Seminar which funds tuition for three to four early career dental school deans to attend;
  2. The Editorial Awards Program which provides $3,000 in awards for excellence in editorial writing in dentistry, and
  3. $500 for an outstanding periodontal educator, in conjunction with the American Association of Periodontology, and $500 for an outstanding oral surgery educator, in conjunction with the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

Dean Myers shared the following thoughts about his recent appointment. “I feel tremendously honored to work with my fellow board members, incredible leaders who I now get to collaborate with as we help shape the future of dental education. ADEAGies is figuring out ways to access various funding sources to facilitate the discoveries, innovations and ideas that will shape the future of dental education and clinical design. ADEAGies does remarkable work and I am very excited to work with the individuals and institutions focused on creating change in our industry.”

FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: spokane1977 from Pixabay.