Todays Dental News

Universal Cementation System Bonds to Zirconia

Sponsored Editorial

The use of zirconia for dental restorations is at an all-time high because of its high-strength capabilities and decreased cost compared to conventional metal-based restorations. However, they cannot be etched conventionally with hydrofluoric acid, which can create a challenge in securing the restoration to the tooth. The question that arises is, how do we create a strong bridge between the ceramic and dental substrate that is predictable and long lasting?

BISCO’s highly radiopaque Duo-Link Universal Resin Luting Cement is specially formulated for cementation of ALL* indirect restorations offering easy cleanup. When Duo-Link Universal is coupled with BISCO’s All-Bond Universal adhesive and Z-Prime Plus, it is the ultimate combination for bonding zirconia-based restorations. Z-Prime Plus is an oxide-based ceramic primer containing phosphate monomers (MDP) that allows the clinician to effectively bond to zirconia, alumina, and metal. Z-Prime Plus is versatile in that it can enhance bond strengths of other resin cements, and its single-bottle delivery system allows for easy dispensing. BISCO’s Duo-Link Universal System effectively addresses the cementation of all your indirect restorations for optimal performance and aesthetics.

Click to learn more about BISCO’s Duo-Link Universal Kit. Or, visit or call (800) 247-3368. 

* It is recommended to use BISCO’s Choice 2 for veneer cementation.

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