USOSM Unveils Medical Mission Reimbursement Program



U.S. Oral Surgery Management (USOSM) is excited to announce the USOSM Medical Mission Reimbursement Program, effective immediately.


“USOSM deeply appreciates the passion our surgeon partners have for helping those in need, including sharing their expertise and compassion on domestic and international medical mission trips,” said USOSM president and CEO Richard Hall. “It is our hope that this program will support our surgeon partners, who are already giving so much of their time and expertise, motivate others to give back, and ensure that all participants ‘keep it going’ by teaching others, as they serve.”

Historically, USOSM surgeon partners have been active participants in medical mission trips. Having a dedicated reimbursement program funded by USOSM is designed to enable more participation, with less of a personal financial burden for its surgeon partners. In addition, the program aims to provide guidance on organizing and implementing medical mission trips.

“I recently came back from a mission trip to Guatemala, and it was an amazing experience. I was one of four surgeons there, treating 35 patients ranging from around a year old to 14. We were mostly treating unilateral lips and cleft palates. These are often life-changing surgeries, and I’m honored to have been a part of that,” said Dr. Normund Auzins, a USOSM surgeon partner with Columbia Oral Surgery & Implants.

“Having outside support is so important,” continued Dr. Auzins. “It can allow us to do more and makes the whole process easier.”

To be eligible for reimbursement, the mission trip must be aligned with USOSM’s medical mission philosophies. It must be medically related and within the scope of oral surgery and facial reconstruction, the majority of time must be spent on mission work, and most importantly: the mission must include a teaching/knowledge sharing component.

“Sharing knowledge is essential because it helps ensure that the mission trip continues to give back to the community in a significant way, long after the trip itself. I’m proud to work for a company that supports such great human purpose,” said Maureen McCann, vice president of strategic initiatives and facilitator of the USOSM Medical Mission Committee. “Everyone at USOSM has a true passion for patient care. It’s one of our core values, and we’re really living those values through this committee and through these dedicated surgeon partners, who are committed to making a difference through medical mission work.”

Only USOSM surgeon partners are eligible for reimbursement. Interested surgeons can contact USOSM for complete eligibility requirements and other information.


Headquartered in Irving, Texas, U.S. Oral Surgery Management has partner practices spanning 24 states.

A shared services organization, U.S. Oral Surgery Management collaborates with premier oral and maxillofacial surgeons to offer a partnership solution for continued and accelerated practice success. U.S. Oral Surgery Management provides operational, marketing and administrative support services, reinvests resources, and applies best practices to improve clinical and financial performance and produce steadier, more profitable growth for all.

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