Industry News

Venus White Pro by Heraeus Whitens Teeth up to 8.4 Shades

Detailed study results to be presented at upcoming International
Association of Dental Research meeting

SOUTH BEND, IN, February 16, 2011— Heraeus Kulzer, LLC, the leader in advancing dental esthetics and overall dental wellbeing, announced today the results of a new study that demonstrates that Venus White® Pro whitens teeth up to 8.4 shades with virtually no sensitivity. The results of the full clinical study will be presented during the International Association of Dental Research meeting, March 14 – 19, 2011.

The study, conducted by researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth), was designed to evaluate the efficacy and color rebound effect of commercially available 22% carbamide peroxide (CP) Venus White® Pro at-home whitening system. The study also evaluated the sensitivity of Venus White® Pro.

A random selection of patient participants with no history of previous tooth whitening was recruited for the study. Subjects were treated nightly for two weeks with a maxillary custom tray containing Venus White® Pro with 22% carbamide peroxide and 3% potassium nitrate.

Visual color measurement was performed by three-color normal evaluators using the Vita Classical (VC) and the 3D Bleachedguide (BG).  Instrumental color measurements were performed using an intraoral spectrophotometer (Vita Easyshade Compact).  Color measurements were taken on a canine and central incisor at baseline, two, three, and four weeks. Wilcoxon matched-pair signed-rank test for group comparisons and Bonferroni correction was used to adjust for multiple testing at the 0.05 level of significance. 

Study Results
Means (sd) for visual and instrumental whitening-dependent color changes are listed in the table; SGU=shade guide units, DE= total color change. The results are as follows:   

2 weeks minus baseline 3 weeks minus baseline 4 weeks minus baseline


  Incisor Canine Incisor Canine Incisor Canine
SGU(BG) 3.9(1.7) 5.8(2.1) 3.7(1.7) 5.6(2.3) 3.7(1.3) 5.4(2.2)
SGU(VC) 5.2(2.8) 8.4(3.5) 4.9(2.4) 8.0(3.5 4.8(2.5) 8.0(3.5)
DE*(ES) 7.0(2.9) 10.2(4.7) 7.1(2.5) 9.1(4.8) 6.7(2.7) 9.9(4.2)

For visual shade evaluation with VC and BG, there was a statistically significant decrease in SGU from baseline and each subsequent week among all measurements,
p<0.001.  For instrumental measurements, there was no difference from week 2 to week 3 for canines and generally no difference between week 3 and week 4 in all parameters for incisors. 

Visual and instrumental measurements evaluation conclusively showed clinical whitening up to 8.4 times one week post bleaching.  In general, color stabilized at two weeks post bleaching. 

On the sensitivity test, patients reported low sensitivity levels with a mean value of “below 2” on a scale of 0-10, with zero representing no pain and 10 representing worst possible pain.

The study with UTHealth is part of Heraeus’ ongoing research and development effort. The Company routinely collaborates with independent researchers and dental health care professionals at leading research universities and academic dental institutions to learn more treatment approaches as well as the efficacy of its products. “Our overriding goal for all Heraeus products is safety and effectiveness,” says Christopher Holden, President of Heraeus Kulzer. “Our work isn’t finished after a product is on the market. We continue to invest in controlled clinical studies, like the one with UTHealth, to make certain that our products and treatments are safe and effective and have the maximum positive impact on patients,” he adds.

A copy of the complete clinical study is available online at For more information on Heraeus, call (800) 431-1785 or visit

About Venus White® Pro
Venus White® Pro by Heraeus is a mint-flavored take-home whitening system for custom-made trays. It is available only through a dentist and offered in 16%, 22%, and 35% carbamide peroxide strengths. It also contains potassium nitrate which helps reduce sensitivity associated with whitening. Heraeus donates a percentage of every sale of Venus White® Pro to support breast cancer research.

About the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth)
As a comprehensive health science university, the mission of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston is to educate health science professionals, discover and translate advances in the biomedical and social sciences, and model the best practices in clinical care and public health.