Vermillion Dollar Lips


Vermillion Dollar Lips


Robert W. Gordon has a passion for art and facial aesthetics. This passion shines through in his unique approach to lip and perioral augmentation: a direct result of his background in art education. Dr. Gordon lectures often, instructing oral/facial augmenters on his classification, diagnostic and reconstructive lip and perioral augmentation techniques.

Dr. Gordon graduated from Marquette University School of Dentistry in 1997 and continued his education in a residency program in periodontics, as well as additional oral/surgery training. In addition, Dr. Gordon was accepted to one of the nation’s top-ranked art schools: Savannah School of Art and Design, where he was accepted into the master’s program of Fine Arts in Painting prior to relocating to Florida . While practicing predominantly cosmetic dentistry, he became aware of the intimate correlation of cosmetic dentistry and lip and perioral augmentation.

It was this find that led him to author Vermilion Dollar Lips: a groundbreaking textbook that addresses the science and art of lip and perioral augmentation. In addition Dr. Gordon has been featured in several peer review journals. Dr. Gordon’s mission is to optimize lip and perioral aesthetics through the advancement of current techniques, dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge and the union of the vast body of practitioners participating in oral/facial augmentation.

Recent Articles by Dr. Gordon:

BOTOX Cosmetic for Lip and Perioral Enhancement
“There has been an explosion in the various specialties using cosmetic botulinum neurotoxins, in particular botulinum neurotoxin type A (BTX-A) or BOTOX (Allergan). There were 3,181,592 BTX-A cosmetic treatments administered in the United States in 2006, there are 3,000 publications on BTX-A in scientific and medical journals, and 100 years of study in botulinum neurotoxins. BTX-A cosmetic ranks No. 1 on list of “Top 5 Surgical and Nonsurgical Physician Administered Cosmetic Procedures.” In addition BTX-A cosmetic procedures are proving to be a great adjunct to cosmetic dentistry. BTX-A, when used for treating oral rhytids, is the most common new area for which patients request treatment.5 The incorporation of botulinum toxin into cosmetic dentistry offers a complete and comprehensive cosmetic treatment plan for patients. Dentists are able to supply the patient with a sound differential diagnosis, which may include dental, orthodontic, orthognathic, soft-tissue, or a combination of these treatment modalities to arrive at a superior anterior lip and perioral cosmetic result…”
Do’s and don’ts in the realm of lip and oral facial augmentation
“According to the Dental Practice Act, dentists are the experts of the orofacial area. Some states incorporate into their state legislation the exact verbiage that governs the use of injectable fillers and botulinum neurotoxin (Botox) at a dental practice while other states are in the process of establishing these guidelines. Other states have not taken an official stance in regard to the use of dermal fillers and Botox. At least one state (California) has adopted rules that are so restrictive that they effectively prohibit dentists from performing these augmentation procedures…”
Subcision for Lip and Perioral Scarring Cosmesis: Case Report
“Dentists routinely see patients who are suffering from trauma to the lips. If we do not personally treat and suture these patients’ lips ourselves, we are at least witness to a significant amount of lip and perioral scarring which formed subsequent to previous trauma. Most injuries to the facial structures seen in the emergency room are related to the soft-tissue of the lip and perioral area (62.8%). A majority of these traumas are suffered by children. In most instances, patients who have suffered lip and perioral soft tissue trauma are treated without regard for potential unaesthetic scarring. Postsuturing revisionary surgery can be complicated and may involve more scar tissue. With the advent of newer aesthetic materials, and minimally invasive cosmetic procedure (MICP), lip and perioral scar revision can be treated in the dental office with local anesthetic in a short sequence of treatments…”
Beyond the Teeth: Framing Your Patient’s Beautiful Smiles
“Lip and perioral augmentation has increased in popularity in North America. In the 2007 report by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons on data gathered in 2006, minimally invasive cosmetic procedures increased 8%, with more than 9 million performed. Approximately 778,000 patient cases involving the use of injectable hyaluronic acid put this cosmetic procedure in the top 5 for first time.”