Video Campaign Aims to Help Pregnant Women Improve Their Oral Health


Noting that pregnant women with poor gum health face greater health risks both for themselves and their unborn child, the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) is launching a video campaign providing oral health advice for women who are pregnant or who are trying to conceive.

“Good oral health during pregnancy is crucial for women and possibly even for their unborn children,” said Filippo Graziani, president of the EFP. “Scientific studies have shown that there might be connections between gum disease and premature birth, low birth weight, and pre-eclampsia.”

Available in eight languages, the video highlights bodily changes during pregnancy that can affect gum health. Increased hormone levels in pregnancy may influence how the body reacts to dental plaque, leading to gingivitis and periodontitis. Also, untreated gum disease has been linked with pregnancy complications. 

The EFP also advises mothers to be to:

  • Visit their dentists before conception
  • Visit their dentists or dental hygienists during pregnancy
  • Brush their teeth and gums twice a day
  • Clean between their teeth every day using an interdental brush of floss
  • Ensure gum disease doesn’t become an issue during pregnancy
  • Seek treatment, if needed, between months four and six of the pregnancy

The EFP offers additional advice as part of its Oral Health & Pregnancy Project.

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