When It Comes to Marketing Your Dental Practice, Always Be Testing


You try to promote your practice to the best of your ability, but you’re a dentist. Unless you’re in the marketing industry, figuring out how well your efforts are paying off can be a challenge. 

Sure, you know that your Google Pay-Per-Click Invisalign campaign brought some people through your doors and that your Pay-Per-Click whitening campaign didn’t. But why? This is where A/B testing comes in. No idea what that means? We’ve got you covered.

An Example

The following scenario demonstrates how A/B testing works with your practice’s Facebook page. 

  • Campaign A: You want to run an ad on Facebook to promote your sleep apnea services. You carefully craft your text, select your ad criteria, and use a picture of a woman wrestling with a continuous positive airway pressure machine.
  • Campaign B: You run a second ad on Facebook. Everything is the same—the text and the criteria you select—except for the picture. In this ad, you show a woman asleep on her desk at work.

Facebook will send you the results yielded by both campaigns. If A is less effective than B, you simply stop running A. Stick with the picture of the sleepy woman and come up with another A campaign to test. 

One Thing at a Time

When you A/B test, it’s important that you test one variable at a time. For round one, test the images. When you figure out which image resonates with your patients, it’s time for another test, only this time you test the copy. You can even test your call to action buttons: Will “CALL NOW” or “LEARN MORE” land you more patients? The only way to know exactly which part of your ad is or isn’t speaking to your patients is to test one thing at a time. 

Test, Test, and Test Again

To make the most of your marketing efforts, keep testing. You can test almost anything, too: Facebook ads, Google campaigns, even postcard promotions, if you’re still using classic marketing methods. Testing helps you refine your campaigns so that you reach the maximum number of people, allowing you to grow your practice to your heart’s content.

With more than a decade of experience in corporate dental laboratory marketing and brand development, Ms. Ulasewich decided to take her passion for the dental business and marketing to the next level by founding My Dental Agency. Since starting her company, she and her team have helped a wide variety of business owners all over the nation focus their message, reach their target audience, and increase their sales through effective marketing campaigns. She can be reached at (800) 689-6434 or via email at jackie@mydentalagency.com.

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