Today's Dental News

Young Children Don’t Visit Dentist as Often as Necessary

Most children under age 2 have not yet seen a dentist.

This information comes from a new report by the C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on children’s health. The information claims that children should start to see a dentist by their first birthday or whenever teeth being to emerge.

The National Poll asked parents of children ages 1 to 5 about the dental healthcare they provide for their children. According to the poll, less than one quarter of 1-year-olds had been to the dentist and only around 44 percent of 2-year-olds had seen a dentist.

It’s vital for parents to take their children to the dentist because early childhood caries are one of the major causes for chronic disease in young children.

One issue parents face, especially parents who are only covered by Medicaid, is finding the right dentist for their child. That’s why pediatricians are beginning to play a larger role in helping parents find a dentist.

Many parents are also not educated enough about necessary dental procedures to ensure their child’s oral health is up to par. In order for this to change, parents needs to be more involved and communicate better with pediatricians and dentists to make certain that every one of their child’s oral health needs are taken care of.