2016 CDA

Your Practice’s Day at the Touch of a Button

Simplifeye is a practice management system that offers something completely new—total control for the whole dental team, centered right on their wrists. The Simplifeye app works in conjuction with the Apple Watch and allows dentists and staff to view the day’s schedule, know who’s in the waiting room, which operatories are ready for patients, and more. This system will allow you to flow patients through your office more quickly and efficiently, and your patients will be thrilled with the quick turnaround time.

Simplifeye is HIPAA-compliant, and anything entered into the computer aspect of it is immediately reflected in the team’s Apple Watches, and vice versa. In addition, it can be linked to your iPhone so you can access information at home or on the go. For example, if you want to make patient follow-up calls from your car or home, Simplifeye scrambles your personal mobile number so that patients see the number of the practice calling them. This allows you the convenience of making calls from anywhere you desire without patients having access to your mobile number.

For more information, visit simplifeye.co.